Business AI Solutions


HBR’s 10 MUST READS on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age

Harvard Business Review (HBR) has done another great job of bringing their top 10 MUST READS together in one spot. The short-form (versus a book) allows you to hit 10 topics, written by world experts, in quick succession.

Competing in the Age of AI

Professors Iansiti and Lakhani do good job of explaining the business strategies and leadership required as we move into a more highly AI dominated planet.  Additionally, Harvard Business School also has a class by the same name, lead by the same professors, which is excellent.

Competing in the Age of AI

Professors Iansiti and Lakhani do good job of explaining the business strategies and leadership required as we move into a more highly AI dominated planet.  Additionally, Harvard Business School also has a class by the same name, lead by the same professors, which is excellent.

Artificial Intelligence

Older (2019) but the questions and answers are great – and so much of what is covered is still so relevant. From choosing your first AI project, to Why Companies That Wait to Adopt May Never Catch up… some real gold.

Prediction Machines

An updated version of a classic, where we will see that Stephen Hawking was right in saying “Everything civilization has to offer is the product of human intelligence. Success in creating AI will be the biggest event in human history.”

Prediction Machines

An updated version of a classic, where we will see that Stephen Hawking was right in saying “Everything civilization has to offer is the product of human intelligence. Success in creating AI will be the biggest event in human history.”


Alpha – The Movie

A must see Documentary if you are interested in AI. Demis Hassabis walks us through the challenge and the success of being the best at the world’s oldest continually played board game.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and CTO Mira Murati on the Future of AI and ChatGPT

OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Mira Murati discuss the capabilities of their future GPT models, how human relationships with AI will change in the future and fears about safety, liability and work as the technology advances. AI news is fast moving – but this interview gives an important viewpoint on where Sam and Mira are thinking in Q4-2023.  This base foundation on their perspectives is an important must-watch perspective.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and CTO Mira Murati on the Future of AI and ChatGPT

OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Mira Murati discuss the capabilities of their future GPT models, how human relationships with AI will change in the future and fears about safety, liability and work as the technology advances. AI news is fast moving – but this interview gives an important viewpoint on where Sam and Mira are thinking in Q4-2023.  This base foundation on their perspectives is an important must-watch perspective.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies at Senate artificial intelligence hearing

Its a long video at almost 3 hours, but the breadth and depth of questions, and Sam’s Composed intelligence makes it an educational video that tells us more about how OpenAI, and Sam Altman think than most any over available video.

Meta's Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun talks about the future of Artificial Intelligence

Yann LeCun discusses the current state of artificial intelligence, expressing a mix of excitement and challenges. He traces his interest in AI back to a debate on the origins of language, reflecting on historical shifts and addressing ethical concerns and regulatory aspects in the field.

Meta's Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun talks about the future of Artificial Intelligence

Yann LeCun discusses the current state of artificial intelligence, expressing a mix of excitement and challenges. He traces his interest in AI back to a debate on the origins of language, reflecting on historical shifts and addressing ethical concerns and regulatory aspects in the field.


AI Machine Learning Bootcamp

We’ve heard some good things about this 6 months course (but we have not attended) by Caltech University. It looks to be a great course, by a great university, that aims to accelerate careers with their AI Bootcamp and Master skills training.  If you attend, please provide us some feedback on your experience.

Leading in Artificial Intelligence

This course is designed for leaders seeking tools and resources in the realm of AI and machine learning. It’s an on-campus executive program that focuses on the intersection of policy and technology. The goal is to enhance leadership capabilities in AI, offering a balance between innovation and risk mitigation without stifling creativity.

Designing and Building AI Products and Services

Build a strong foundation in AI by mastering product design stages, identifying applicable technologies, and analyzing requirements. Expand your knowledge through differentiating algorithms, designing AI products, and understanding challenges. Apply learnings by using machine learning in practical situations and assessing AI opportunities.

Fast-Track to Future Ready AI Leaders

Experts advocate transitioning from data-driven to AI-driven workflows for faster decision-making, expecting over 10 million new jobs. With extensive AI investments, there’s a rising demand for talent, anticipating a 71% increase in global AI and Machine Learning skills in the next five years. Organizations globally seek qualified professionals as the AI field evolves.

Artificial Intelligence Programs

Embark on a virtual journey into the classrooms of Stanford professors at the forefront of the AI revolution. These graduate and professional programs offer comprehensive training in the principles and technologies of AI, covering logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning. Complete the programs entirely online, at your own pace, to master skills that enhance your resume with a Stanford graduate or professional certificate.

AI For Business Specialization

This specialization will provide learners with the fundamentals of using Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning and the various areas in which you can deploy them to support your business. You’ll cover the ethics and risks of AI, designing governance frameworks to fairly apply AI, and also cover people management in the fair design of HR functions within ML. You’ll also learn effective marketing strategies using data analytics, and how personalization can enhance and prolong the customer journey and lifecycle.


Prioritize Business AI Solutions

Identifying the right problem or opportunity is the crucial first step. This involves understanding the business needs, potential areas of improvement, and where AI can provide value. Clear identification sets the foundation for a successful AI project.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

Once identified, prioritize the identified challenges or opportunities based on their impact and feasibility. We consider factors such as the potential for improvement, resource availability, and strategic alignment with business goals. This step helps in focusing efforts on the most impactful AI solutions.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

In-depth research is vital to understanding existing solutions, algorithms, and technologies relevant to the identified problem. We stay updated on the latest developments in AI and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the domain before moving forward.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

Designing the AI solution involves creating a blueprint for the system. Define the architecture, data requirements, and algorithms to be used. We pay attention to scalability, flexibility, and ethical considerations during the design phase.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

The actual development of the AI solution takes place in this phase. Writing code, implementing algorithms, and integrating the solution into the existing business infrastructure. Rigorous testing is essential to ensure the system performs as expected.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

Deploying the AI solution into the real-world business environment is a critical step. We monitor its performance, gather feedback, and make any necessary adjustments. This phase involves transitioning from development to active use.

Prioritize Business AI Solutions

Ongoing management is key to the success of AI solutions. This includes monitoring performance, handling updates, and ensuring continued alignment with business objectives. Regular evaluations and adaptations are crucial in the dynamic landscape of AI technology.

Board / Executive Advisor

(100 hours / year)

Advisory Role: Offering 100 hours annually to guide the Board of Directors and Executive team, leveraging a lifetime of successful business expertise. Specializing in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and New Technology, I provide strategic insights and innovative solutions to drive forward-thinking decisions and cutting-edge advancements in these dynamic fields.


Andrew Ng

Founder and CEO of Landing AI, Founder of
Andrew Ng is a computer scientist and entrepreneur who was born on April 18, 1976, in London, UK. He earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and later acquired a Master's from MIT, followed by a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Ng is best known for his significant contributions to the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). He co-founded Google Brain, a deep learning project at Google, and later joined Baidu as Chief Scientist to spearhead its AI initiatives. He is also the co-founder of Coursera, an online education platform. Interestingly, Ng was one of the earliest advocates of the modern MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) model and has an influential course on machine learning that has been taken by millions worldwide. He has published over 100 research papers in machine learning, robotics, and other related areas, making him one of the most cited authors in these fields.

Demis Hassabis

Co-founder and CEO of Deep Mind
Demis Hassabis is a British artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, video game designer, entrepreneur, and polymath, born on July 27, 1976, in London. He attended the University of Cambridge, where he received a Double First in Computer Science. Subsequently, he earned a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from University College London. Hassabis is best known as the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, an AI research lab acquired by Google in 2014. The lab achieved global recognition for developing AlphaGo, a computer program that defeated the world champion Go player, marking a significant milestone in AI research. Demis Hassabis has a wide range of interests and accomplishments; he was a chess prodigy and even dabbled in video game design before fully diving into AI and neuroscience. He has received numerous awards, including being named in the Time 100 list of most influential people, and has published research in high-impact journals, solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in artificial intelligence.

Palmer Luckey

CEO Anduril Ind.
Palmer Luckey is an American entrepreneur born on September 19, 1992, in Long Beach, California. He is primarily self-taught and did not complete a traditional college degree, dropping out from the Journalism program at California State University. He gained prominence as the founder of Oculus VR, a company specializing in virtual reality hardware and software products. Oculus is best known for developing the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that gained significant attention and investment. Facebook acquired Oculus VR in 2014 for approximately $2 billion, catapulting Luckey into the spotlight as a significant player in the tech industry. Aside from his work in virtual reality, Luckey also founded Anduril Industries, a tech company focused on developing advanced defense technology. He has a passion for tinkering with electronics from a young age and using the money he earned from repairing iPhones to fund the initial development of the Oculus Rift. His work has made a considerable impact on both the virtual reality and defense sectors.

Sam Altman

CEO of OpenAI
Sam Altman is an American entrepreneur and investor, born on April 22, 1985, in St. Louis, Missouri. He attended Stanford University but dropped out after just a few years to pursue his entrepreneurial interests. Altman first gained recognition as the co-founder of Loopt, a location-based social networking company. He is also known for his role as the president of Y Combinator. Under his leadership, Y Combinator expanded its reach and influence significantly. In 2019, Altman took on the role of co-chairman of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab. He is now the CEO of OpenAI and leading the field of deploying safe AI. He has been an influential voice in the tech community, advocating for responsible AI development and broader access to economic opportunity. He is outspoken on topics like universal basic income and the future of technology.

Emad Mostaque

Founder and Former CEO of Stablilty AI - Makers of Stable Diffusion
Emad Mostaque, aged 40, is an Oxford graduate with a noteworthy career in the finance sector, having spent a decade working for hedge funds in the UK. Diagnosed with Asperger's, his unique perspective has contributed to his professional success. Mostaque is highly regarded for his insights into macroeconomics, geopolitics, and markets. In addition to his career in hedge funds, he is also known for his role as the CEO of Stability AI, the company behind Stable Diffusion. Emad left Stability AI to pursue the decentralized AI. He also left the Stability’s board of directors seat. This is a good video showing his thoughts (2.5 hours long).

Peter Diamandis

Peter H. Diamandis is an American entrepreneur, engineer, and author, born on May 20, 1961, in The Bronx, New York. He holds degrees in Molecular Genetics and Aerospace Engineering from MIT, as well as an M.D. from Harvard Medical School. Diamandis is perhaps best known for founding the X Prize Foundation in 1994. The Ansari X Prize for suborbital space travel was one of the foundation's most publicized competitions, ultimately won by SpaceShipOne in 2004. Diamandis is also the co-founder of several other organizations and companies, including Singularity University, Human Longevity Inc., and Planetary Resources, among others. His work primarily focuses on the utilization of exponential technologies and crowd-sourced innovation to address humanity's grand challenges. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his work, including the Heinlein Prize for Advances in Space Commercialization. Diamandis is also a prolific author and speaker, advocating for a future shaped by innovation and bold thinking.

Working Groups

Harvard Working Group

The Harvard Working Group is currently FULL. Some of us who attended the same classes on AI and Professional Services meet to discuss our current AI Projects – and to share ideas on how to find the AI best talent. If you attended Harvard, and work in AI, and would like to chat – contact Rick Stark.

MIT Workings Group

MIT 2023 – 2024 AI Class Working Group. This group is for attendees of the MIT AI courses in the 2023 – 2024 class year. If you were / are a part of this MIT cohort, please contact us if you are interested in joining a group with a few other students.

MIT Working Group

MIT 2023 – 2024 AI Class Working Group. This group is for attendees of the MIT AI courses in the 2023 – 2024 class year. If you were / are a part of this MIT cohort, please contact us if you are interested in joining a group with a few other students.

LLM Working Group

The Large Language Model group has wrapped up its sessions. We might be looking to start another LLM group in the future – let us know if you have an interest.

AI and ML Working Group

AI and ML Working Group is forming for Q2 of 2024.  Rick is looking to start a new general working group on AI and Machine Learning.  We are hoping to get 6 – 8 professionals to meet monthly and compare notes / progress on projects, swap ideas and share thoughts on current AI and ML work.

AI and ML Working Group

AI and ML Working Group is forming for Q2 of 2024. Rick is looking to start a new general working group on AI and Machine Learning. We are hoping to get 6 – 8 professionals to meet monthly and compare notes / progress on projects, swap ideas and share thoughts on current AI and ML work.