

HBR’s 10 MUST READS on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age

Harvard Business Review (HBR) has done another great job of bringing their top 10 MUST READS together in one spot. The short-form (versus a book) allows you to hit 10 topics, written by world experts, in quick succession.

Competing in the Age of AI

Professors Iansiti and Lakhani do good job of explaining the business strategies and leadership required as we move into a more highly AI dominated planet.  Additionally, Harvard Business School also has a class by the same name, lead by the same professors, which is excellent.

Competing in the Age of AI

Professors Iansiti and Lakhani do good job of explaining the business strategies and leadership required as we move into a more highly AI dominated planet.  Additionally, Harvard Business School also has a class by the same name, lead by the same professors, which is excellent.

Artificial Intelligence

Older (2019) but the questions and answers are great – and so much of what is covered is still so relevant. From choosing your first AI project, to Why Companies That Wait to Adopt May Never Catch up… some real gold.

Prediction Machines

An updated version of a classic, where we will see that Stephen Hawking was right in saying “Everything civilization has to offer is the product of human intelligence. Success in creating AI will be the biggest event in human history.”

Prediction Machines

An updated version of a classic, where we will see that Stephen Hawking was right in saying “Everything civilization has to offer is the product of human intelligence. Success in creating AI will be the biggest event in human history.”

Machine Learning Yearning

Andrew Ng is a world class expert – and his technical strategies for AI Engineers is a must read. Ng also has a lot of other content on DeepLearning.AI, and he is considered a “Top-10 AI Instructor”, so almost anything you can get from him is high quality.

How to Build your Career in AI

Another Andrew Ng favorite, this PDF is a fantastic resource for folks that want some advice on AI and career planning. He covers a simple 1, 2, 3 model that has been proven to work.

How to Build your Career in AI

Another Andrew Ng favorite, this PDF is a fantastic resource for folks that want some advice on AI and career planning. He covers a simple 1, 2, 3 model that has been proven to work.

The Coming Wave

Suleyman, cofounder of DeepMind and Inflection.AI is a “AI Top-10 Influencer” and subject matter expert. Along with Sam Altman (OpenAI), Dario Amodei (Anthropic), Demis Hassabis (Deepmind) and Emad Mostaque (Stable Diffusion), Suleyman is an industry leader and getting insights from him directly is incredibly valuable.

Scary Smart: The Future of AI and How You Can Save Our World

Mo Gawdat, the internationally best-selling author of Solve for Happy, draws on his considerable expertise to answer this question and to show what we can all do now to teach ourselves and our machines how to live better. With more than 30 years’ experience working at the cutting-edge of technology and his former role as chief business officer of Google, no one is better placed than him to explain this.

Scary Smart: The Future of AI and How You Can Save Our World

Mo Gawdat, the internationally best-selling author of Solve for Happy, draws on his considerable expertise to answer this question and to show what we can all do now to teach ourselves and our machines how to live better. With more than 30 years’ experience working at the cutting-edge of technology and his former role as chief business officer of Google, no one is better placed than him to explain this.

The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI

The digital revolution is here, changing how work gets done, how industries are structured, and how people from all walks of life work, behave, and relate to each other. To thrive in a world driven by data and powered by algorithms, we must learn to see, think, and act in new ways. We need to develop a digital mindset.

All-in On AI: How Smart Companies Win Big with Artificial Intelligence

A fascinating look at the trailblazing companies using artificial intelligence to create new competitive advantage, from the author of the business classic, Competing on Analytics, and the head of Deloitte’s US AI practice. Though most organizations are placing modest bets on artificial intelligence, there is a world-class group of companies that are going all-in on the technology and radically transforming their products, processes, strategies, customer relationships, and cultures.

All-in On AI: How Smart Companies Win Big with Artificial Intelligence

A fascinating look at the trailblazing companies using artificial intelligence to create new competitive advantage, from the author of the business classic, Competing on Analytics, and the head of Deloitte’s US AI practice. Though most organizations are placing modest bets on artificial intelligence, there is a world-class group of companies that are going all-in on the technology and radically transforming their products, processes, strategies, customer relationships, and cultures.

Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI

AI is radically transforming business. Are you ready? Look around you. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a futuristic notion. It’s here right now–in software that senses what we need, supply chains that “think” in real time, and robots that respond to changes in their environment. Twenty-first-century pioneer companies are already using AI to innovate and grow fast. The bottom line is this: Businesses that understand how to harness AI can surge ahead. Those who neglect it will fall behind. Which side are you on?

Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around the world—banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, manufacturing, and retail. But it has only just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions that drive strategic business decisions. When prediction is taken to the max, industries transform, and with such transformation comes disruption.

Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around the world—banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, manufacturing, and retail. But it has only just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions that drive strategic business decisions. When prediction is taken to the max, industries transform, and with such transformation comes disruption.

Here’s Why People Trust Human Judgment Over Algorithms

People think they learn faster than machines, according to research. By Walter Frick. Read this article by Harvard Business Review to learn more about it.

The Business Case for AI

A Leader’s Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications. Unfortunately, leaders who want to take advantage of artificial intelligence often don’t know where to start. The process can feel overwhelming—from analyzing existing processes and software systems and choosing where to apply AI automation, to preparing every tier of the organization for the transition.

The Business Case for AI

A Leader’s Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications. Unfortunately, leaders who want to take advantage of artificial intelligence often don’t know where to start. The process can feel overwhelming—from analyzing existing processes and software systems and choosing where to apply AI automation, to preparing every tier of the organization for the transition.

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order

Lee urges the US and China to both accept and to embrace the great responsibilities that come with significant technological power. Most experts already say that AI will have a devastating impact on blue-collar jobs. But Lee predicts that Chinese and American AI will have a strong impact on white-collar jobs as well. Is universal basic income the solution?

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

Within two decades, aspects of daily human life will be unrecognizable. AI will generate unprecedented wealth, revolutionize medicine and education through human-machine symbiosis, and create brand-new forms of communication and entertainment. In liberating us from routine work, however, AI will also challenge the organizing principles of our economic and social order.

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

Within two decades, aspects of daily human life will be unrecognizable. AI will generate unprecedented wealth, revolutionize medicine and education through human-machine symbiosis, and create brand-new forms of communication and entertainment. In liberating us from routine work, however, AI will also challenge the organizing principles of our economic and social order.

An Executive Guide to Make AI Work for Your Business

Artificial Intelligence: An Executive Guide to Make AI Work for Your Business is designed for non-experts—it’s for business teams, business leaders, and executives who never seem to have enough time in the day to learn about the latest technology trends. TinyTechGuides™ are meant to be read in under two hours and focus on the application of technologies in business, government, and educational settings.

The AI Infused Classroom

The key to successfully integrating any digital tool, Clark says, is to focus on the deep learning and masterful pedagogy teachers can achieve with educational shifts, like the one the world is currently experiencing. Yes, things will change, but AI does not replace the need for well-trained and highly qualified teachers in the classroom. In fact, students need educators’ guidance, now more than ever, to ensure they are prepared for the world of AI.

The AI Infused Classroom

The key to successfully integrating any digital tool, Clark says, is to focus on the deep learning and masterful pedagogy teachers can achieve with educational shifts, like the one the world is currently experiencing. Yes, things will change, but AI does not replace the need for well-trained and highly qualified teachers in the classroom. In fact, students need educators’ guidance, now more than ever, to ensure they are prepared for the world of AI.

The New Revolution: A complete guide to understand and use AI

In AI: The New Revolution, you’ll uncover the secrets behind AI language models like GPT-4 with Auto-GPT and ChatGPT, as well as revolutionary text-to-image tools like Midjourney. Learn about the practical applications of AI, from coding and business models to automating workflows and boosting productivity.

AI and Machine Learning for Coders: A Programmer's Guide to AI

If you’re looking to make a career move from programmer to AI specialist, this is the ideal place to start. Based on Laurence Moroney’s extremely successful AI courses, this introductory book provides a hands-on, code-first approach to help you build confidence while you learn key topics.

AI and Machine Learning for Coders: A Programmer's Guide to AI

If you’re looking to make a career move from programmer to AI specialist, this is the ideal place to start. Based on Laurence Moroney’s extremely successful AI courses, this introductory book provides a hands-on, code-first approach to help you build confidence while you learn key topics.

The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond

GPT-4 and its competitors and followers are on the verge of transforming medicine. But with lives on the line, you need to understand these technologies–stat. What can they do? What can’t they do–yet? What shouldn’t they ever do? To decide, experience the cutting edge for yourself. Join three insiders who’ve had months of early access to GPT-4 as they reveal its momentous potential to improve diagnoses, summarize patient visits, streamline processes, accelerate research, and much more. 

Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

Generative AI is the hottest topic in tech. This practical book teaches machine learning engineers and data scientists how to use TensorFlow and Keras to create impressive generative deep learning models from scratch, including variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), Transformers, normalizing flows, energy-based models, and denoising diffusion models.

Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play

Generative AI is the hottest topic in tech. This practical book teaches machine learning engineers and data scientists how to use TensorFlow and Keras to create impressive generative deep learning models from scratch, including variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), Transformers, normalizing flows, energy-based models, and denoising diffusion models.

A Brief History of Intelligence: Evolution, AI, and the Five Breakthroughs That Made Our Brains

In A Brief History of Intelligence, Bennett bridges the gap between neuroscience and AI to tell the brain’s evolutionary story, revealing how understanding that story can help shape the next generation of AI breakthroughs. Deploying a fresh perspective and working with the support of many top minds in neuroscience, Bennett consolidates this immense history into an approachable new framework